
Former Port Authority Official Says Christie Knew About Lane Closings

A Mom Anon1/31/2014 3:47:46 pm PST

re: #149 A Mom Anon

I don’t understand rich people. I thought the whole idea of getting wealthy in the first place is to have enough money to be successful and secure. So once you get there, why not stop and enjoy what you have? Most of these people have more money than they could ever spend in a life time or even 10 lifetimes, so what the hell is their problem? I get the whole power thing, sort of, but what is the point of having all that money if you are constantly working to hoard away more that you honestly do not need?

I also get having a successful business and wanting to see it continue, but a lot of these people bounce from business to business anyway or sit on the boards of half a dozen companies so it’s not like they’re keeping a pet project afloat.

I guess I’ve been poor long enough to be more practical about finances. If I were to be left a fortune or something worth a fortune, or win the lottery, I don’t think I’d be one of those morons that goes broke in a year or ends up miserable. I’d pay my debts, make sure my kids and grandkids were taken care of and then I’d take the husband and we’d go visit all the National Parks and eventually settle somewhere with a great view and a nice garden space til we’re old and then dead. No drama, no crazy shit. We’ve talked about it a lot, and we both agree that we might be a little frivolous, but we’d take care of business first. I don’t get wanting more and more and more when you already have more than you could ever want. it’s like money makes some people insane.