
After the Right Wing Media Machine Screams "Sterling Is a Democrat," He Turns Out to Be a Republican

Kragar4/28/2014 12:43:31 pm PDT

Christian Church Sues NC For Violating Its Religious Liberty By Banning Same-Sex Marriage

Amendment One, which was pushed onto the people of North Carolina in an ugly and lie-filled battle fueled by the National Organization For Marriage, makes it illegal for ministers or pastors or any faith leader to even perform a same-sex commitment ceremony, even though it would have no legal meaning. Rev. Emily C. Heath of the United Church of Christ, the group suing the state, quoting the law writes that β€œany member of the clergy who officiates at a same-sex marriage in the state may be sentenced to β€˜120 days in jail and/or probation and community service.’”

In other words, the state of North Carolina is telling clergy that it is illegal to pray in the manner in which they see fit.