
New Year's Eve Weirdness: La Chica, "Oasis"

Skip Intro12/31/2015 4:33:50 pm PST

All you ever needed to know about Heidi Cruz. We’re going to need to rename New Year’s Eve to All Grifter’s Eve.

Heidi: worried sick

Ted needs your help.

Ted is under an all-out assault on his campaign, his values, and even him personally. Attacks are coming from all sides — Republican and Democrat — and of course the liberal media.

Ted won’t tell you this but I will — please stop what you are doing and read below.

Here is the situation, and it worries me:

1) We just received inside information that Iowa Super PACs — funded by Republicans — are planning to spend millions attacking Ted’s policy and character.

2) Hillary is personally attacking Ted’s strong stand for American families. She openly speaks of her distain for Ted’s values and is attacking him in front of millions online.

3) The media is getting personal. The Washington Post published a despicable attack on my children. Both Ted and I are determined to protect our children from their shameless attacks.

4) We now have only 18 hours left before the media starts their full scale “exploration” into our campaign finances. Thumbing through thousands of financial papers to find any weakness and mislead Americans.

Pete, I don’t know any other man who is prepared to fight these political assaults, stand up to the personal attacks, and still provide a positive vision for America.

I admit I’m biased, but Ted is the man we need to restore America.

One more thing: every dollar, every prayer and word of encouragement means the world to Ted and me.

Today is the final day of 2015, and Ted could sure use your support right now more than ever.

Click Here: 2015 STOP-GAP DONATION >>>

You see, he’s confided in me that he must raise another $349,394 dollars before midnight tonight — less than 18 hours from now.

That is a big shortfall.

I know there is no way you — or any one person — can cover that entire balance, but if you could just make one last 2015 Stop-Gap donation, both Ted and I would be in your debt.

If we close the books and Ted is still short, it could mean the difference between winning and losing this campaign.

Click Here: 2015 STOP-GAP DONATION >>>

I know it’s a lot to ask, but can Ted and I count on you one last time in 2015?

Heidi Cruz

And no, I don’t know who Pete is.