
Now for Something Completely Different: Derek Gripper Plays Malian Kora Music on Classical Guitar

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam12/27/2016 1:41:11 am PST

The thing about education experts is everyone has gone to a school of one sort or another, so they figure that experience entitles them to have expert opinions on the subject. It makes no difference that they have had no experience actually teaching classes or running a school. They were once students, and so they *know* what’s wrong with the public schools.

Teachers get really pissed at experts (and education professors, FTM) who claim to know how to “do” education without having any real practical experience as teachers. It’s akin to someone telling his surgeon what procedures to follow, or an airline passenger giving pointers to the pilot.

Betsy DeVos is by far the worst nominee for the Education Dept in my memory. I’m hoping that the career staff in the department — assuming it still exists in four years — can manage to keep things running for the next president to manage.