
This Amazing Track by Progger Is a Journey: "Oba-Bow"

lawhawk8/24/2018 6:26:10 am PDT

re: #153 makeitstop

Here’s what we know.

Pecker killed any story that might be unfavorable to Trump. He buried it in this vault.

He also opened the floodgates on every lie, innuendo, and bogus claim about Clinton.

This is an in kind contribution to the Trump campaign since he benefited and profited from the effort Pecker did to spin his media empire to help Trump.

This was apparent all along, but we’re now seeing that the results from the Mueller investigation have finally gotten around to looking at all these incestuous relationships between Trump and his criminal cronies.

When the Enquirer spent all of its energy trying to claim Hillary was dying/sick/incapable of moving, when it was Trump who needs a golf cart to get around and that Clinton continued campaigning while having walking pneumonia, it had an ongoing tangible effect on the conversation and they were pushing on the scales against Clinton.

What mitigates all this is that even with the Access Hollywood tape, it didn’t stop Trump from winning - one can argue that the GOP rallied around Trump precisely because he’s their kind of bigot and misogynist and sex predator. That’s who they want. That’s who they want to be - they want to be an unrepentant bigot and misogynist who keeps women in their place (especially if that woman’s name is Clinton).