
WATCH LIVE: Postmaster General Louis DeJoy Testifies at House Committee Hearing

Hecuba's daughter8/24/2020 10:14:08 am PDT

re: #105 KGxvi

As an aside, I’ve always been skeptical of presidential term limits (and term limits generally). FDR wasn’t the first to seek a third term, he was just the first to win. And since him, there probably haven’t been too many opportunities for someone to seek a third term… basically Clinton in 2000 and Obama in 2016.

I’m opposed to term limits for most positions but not for the Presidency. No term limit on this position — and we can easily end up in a dictatorship, especially given the overwhelming power at the President’s disposal. This administration has demonstrated how fragile our democracy is when the Senate and the President are in the same party.