
An Exceptional Tiny Desk (Home) Concert: Yebba

No Malarkey!1/30/2022 8:15:08 am PST

re: #150 mmmirele

This is the deal—not all states will experience this shutdown. Specifically, California, New York and New Mexico (and possibly other states) have laws in place to secure abortion rights even if Roe is overturned. Which could make it see less Draconian than it really is. But when more states enact laws like Texas’, which put *anyone* who assists a person to obtain an abortion in the crosshairs, and with the added on bounty, that’s when the shit will hit the fan. Because you know there’s going to be some mother out here in Mesa or Chandler who drives her teenage daughter over to San Diego to get an abortion and the mom gets arrested by bounty hunters. Just substitute “Houston” for “Mesa” and “Las Cruces” for San Diego” and this is an all over the country thing.

Or even an international incident. Abortion is now for all intents and purposes legal in Mexico (it was decriminalized last year), and I am sure some enterprising Mexican doctors are now setting up in border towns. They may not be ADVERTISING that they provide abortions, but they’re providing abortions.

Rich men will send their wives, daughters and mistresses on trips to blue states or overseas for their abortions, no problem. Its poor women who won’t be able to travel hundreds of miles who’ll have to seek an illegal abortion or forced birth without prenatal care (because the red states didn’t expand Medicaid, either).