
The Fearless Flyers Rehearse Backstage at Madison Square Garden Pre-Gig and Bring the Funk

Hecuba's daughter10/19/2022 9:12:32 am PDT

re: #82 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

again, the Fundamentalist argument is that Herschel Walker may have strayed, but he begged God for forgiveness and God redeemed him. Amen.

Except even that argument does not work, as in order to be redeemed, you have to own up to your actions, which he never did. He denies them to this day, so the GOP is now both accepting his denial and forgiving him for what he ostensibly never did.

Faith is a miraculous thing…

Nothing to do with faith. Everything to do with power. It doesn’t matter how flawed Walker (or Trump) is. It is the election of candidates like him who will bring a theocratic Christian state to America.