
Glenn Beck Refuses to Define 'White Culture'

Mad Prophet Ludwig9/24/2009 11:39:49 am PDT

re: #129 Charles

I think it’s very revealing that bloggers are contacting VDH trying to get him to sign on to the feeding frenzy. This is a concerted effort.

Dear Charles,

In the end, it does not matter.

I am saying this in utter support because I know it must suck endlessly to have long time friends whom you thought you knew betray you. Worse, to betray you over madness.

I want you to ask yourself some questions and I mean it.

1. You could have kept hanging with these guys if only you decided to be a racist anti-science bigot. Do you think for a moment that it is worth their friendship to be a racist, anti-science bigot?

2. You could have kept them as friends if you were willing to lie about birth certificates and death panels and kissed Beck’s fat ass. Would you like your lips on that bulbous bottom?

3. You could have hung with them if you betrayed every principle you believe in.

4. Given that this crowd has done all of these and has turned so vile hateful and repugnant as to make an off to the showers comment to you. BTW that’s a first, I have never heard a non-Jew get hit with that one… erm… congratulations, welcome to the Tribe, have a Bagel… given that, how can you ever possibly care what those assholes say?

Good riddance eh?

You know I got your back.