
Overnight Open Thread

iceweasel4/28/2010 6:31:48 am PDT

re: #151 sattv4u2

“from providing coverage for abortions unless the coverage is offered as a separate optional rider for which an additional insurance premium is charged.”

Serious question ( and I am in no way, shape or form anti abortion)

BUT ,, why should abortions be covered (and a premium added) on my health coverage when A) my wife has had a hysterectomy and B) I have had a vasectomy?

(btw,, the latter preceded the former)

For the same reason my health care helps to cover your respiratory illness or tonsilectomy, even though I’ve had my tonsils out.

Similarly, I have to bear the cost of prostate exams even though I’m female, and you have to bear the cost of pap smears.
And you and your wife also have to bear the cost of childbirth for others, C-sections, and birth control, even though you personally won’t be using those services.