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Mad Prophet Ludwig5/03/2010 5:16:33 pm PDT

re: #145 SanFranciscoZionist

Item #1: I presented my sample lesson for the job I hope to get, and it was well received.

Good for you!

Item #2: Michael Lerner’s house in Berkeley was vandalized. From the overwrought press release:

The attackers used a powerful form of glue to attach posters to his door and around the property of his home attacking Lerner personally, and attacking liberals and progressives as being supporters of terrorism and “Islamo-fascism.” They posted a printed bumper sticker saying “fight terror—support Israel” next to a carcature of Judge Goldstone whose UN report on Israel’s human rights violations in its attack on Gaza last year has been denounced as anti-Semitic and pro-terror by right wingers in Israel and the U.S.. The caricature has Goldstone talking about his being kept from his grandson’s bar mitzvah, and the caricature of Rabbi Lerner responds by saying “any enemy of Israel is a friend of mine.”

This is definitely wrong.

However, I have a hard time defending Lerner or Goldstone from the basic accusation.