
New Peace Talks Imminent

Aye Pod8/20/2010 7:00:37 pm PDT

re: #146 iceweasel

Freaking COLD!

over 100 degrees in nyc in july— since i’ve been here we’ve never broken 73 degrees i swear.

it’s going to be 45 degrees tomorrow night. Its too cold to wear sandals, its too cold to wear a tshirt and not have a coat with you— it’s so freaking windy that i have to take down the baskets with plants outside, hide certain plants, and window baskets, fuhhgeddaboit.

Today i said to Jimmah ‘wow, look at all that fog awae the brae (over the hills)’— he said “Ah tha’s nae fog, it’s rain”. It was and it arrived. WTF?

But I love it and him and this crazy place. How are you??

Never mind the temperatures, feel the day length!