
Senate Republicans Block Repeal of 'Don't Ask Don't Tell'

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)9/21/2010 3:20:43 pm PDT

re: #155 sliv_the_eli

Not sure I can be much clearer than that I view the repeal of DADT as a civil rights issue.

You can be clear about why it is NOT a defense issue.

It is a civil rights issue. It is also a defense issue.

As for ramming through DADT reform, the Dem leadership has shown they are capable of pushing through legislation when they actually care about gettnig it passed rather than scoring cheap political points.

When GOP members are willing to break ranks.

You are attacking the Democrats for not having a filibuster-proof majority.

Perhaps you are sufficiently satisfied with an empty gesture by the Dem leadership that is designed solely to place blame on Republicans and try to “save” the mid-term election.

You obviously really want to view it in that manner and it doesn’t matter one whit what I say.