
Video: Fox News vs. the President

Wozza Matter?2/06/2011 8:39:02 pm PST

re: #149 iossarian

Yeah, I think initially I was put off by the fact that Wenger (rightly or not) built his team without regard for developing English players. To be fair he did well looking outside the system and in any case has recently developed some good “home-grown” players.

When he came into the game young english players were either - fragile, primadonnas or cloggers.
Stepphen Hughes & Francis Jeffers are both examples of people he persisted with and couldn’t make fit into his system.

It’s getting better though - our youth team has always been there or there abouts and when the young english lads have been put in (Justin Hoyte (now departed), Kieran Gibbs, Henri Lansbury and many others over the last five years they have acquited themselves admirably.