
Chris Matthews: The GOP Has Become the 'Birther Party'

Mad Prophet Ludwig4/21/2011 7:27:07 pm PDT

OOOPS edit error….

Now now… last I checked…Folks like Chen Zen hold down important jobs by being 30 something sales creeps in big box electronic stores. Yes, he does live with his mom and all, but he has that spiffy izod like shirt for his uniform and he does an amazing job at alphabetizing the x-box games.

I am rather out of date… I haven’t checked over there in months. I’m sure my fans miss my attentions. I dunno, maybe they got bored of talking about me. That would be grand.

Folks like the Rodent are important computer guys at orange groves and they handle all sorts of fruit related programming.

Savage though is still an unemployed trucker but he doesn’t live with his mom (who he threatened to kill). He doesn’t post as much more since the inevitable breakup with his GF, and was kicked out by his meal ticket. It is hard to get internet connection from the back of his car. He always was real time abusive.

Douchebagua is “retired.”

Carolina Girl is trying to improve herself. She is going to night school to be a hick attorney and she really has some fascinating theories about the discovery process.

Princess Natasha is a very disturbed man.

Former Corpsman lives on disability. Apparently his massive moobs were sufficient to get him some of that government money he hats other people to have.

In fact, lots of them get lots of government money they hate other people having…

So yeah you are mostly right. But Chen is likely to eventually move out of his mom’s house. There was this embarrassing incident when she walked in on him giving himself some “attention” that is just a degrading thing for a thirty year old man boy to deal with. I think he will move out soon to crash on a buddy’s couch since his mom keeps joking about it.