
Police Investigate Rep. Weiner's Contact with 17-Year Old Girl

sagehen6/10/2011 7:38:57 pm PDT

re: #119 darthstar

IIRC, the Foley thing dragged out for as long as it did because Boehner and Co. were stonewalling to protect him. It wasn’t until some of the text messages got out and people realized he was stalking young men that they gave him a quick and quiet exit.

It was Hastert at the time; and two or three other congressmen were also helping cover it up (one was on the ethics committee, another was part of the RCCC); there was *TONS* of outcry from elected dems, blogs, left-leaning broadcasters, it was featured in campaign ads…

That was a Dem wave year because of Iraq anyway, but Foley’s Follies was directly responsible for maybe 4 seats.