
Romney Testified in 2002 That He Attended Bain Board Meetings

palomino7/12/2012 8:25:05 pm PDT

re: #113 What, me worry?


Has Obama’s campaign mentioned Bain at all? I don’t recall so.

Character assassination doesn’t work well, unless you just go over the top like cheat on your dying wife, have a baby with the mistress and lie about it…

Like I say, people want to know, what will my taxes be, will I be able to go to the doctor without going broke, can my kid get a good education, etc.

Yeah, the Obama campaign has been using Bain as an attack; effectively enough thus far that it’s prompted Romney’s camp to get very defensive.

I don’t think this qualifies as character assassination. We’re talking about the firm Romney oversaw and its practices—totally fair game, especially in light of Romney’s claim that Bain is his greatest achievement and qualifies him to be Prez. Not surprisingly he downplays his term as Mass. Gov—anything that reminds Republicans of Romneycare, his pro-choice record, or the fact that he used to be a moderate, is gonna be pushed aside.