
Video: First Lady Michelle Obama's Remarks at the 2012 Democratic National Convention

wrenchwench9/05/2012 12:55:23 pm PDT

re: #143 Dark_Falcon

Goldberg’s “Liberal Fascism” is very wrong, but he doesn’t spew out the sort of ugly insults Rush does. He’s a nutcase like Rush often is and he often has useful things to say.

And his comments on Michelle Obama’s speech were thoughtful and decent, unlike whatever DERP Limbaugh will put out.

You recognize where he’s very wrong. I feel sorry for NJDHockeyfan, he said he’s never heard of Goldberg, so he has no defense against the BS being fed to him by his preferred media sources. Killgore said, “I think it’s unfair and bigoted to assume that people who support a different party than me is mentally inferior or ignorant. Some people just have different opinions”, but sadly, ignorance is an important feature of wingnut politics.