
Duck Dynasty Bigot Not Suspended Any More

Florida Panhandler12/27/2013 5:43:23 pm PST

the demographic that likes this show is the same demographic that believes the Andy Griffith Show was some sort of documentary- overwhelmingly white, content to admire a world where black and brown colored people do not exist, or if they do, serve as service personnel.

It is not a demographic prepared to function with the outside World, or prosper.

It is a large plurality of America. It is the main reason why the USA is struggling to prosper or evolve compared to juggernauts like Manufacturing Germany and Finance-UK. These “Old World” countries are adapting and evolving. Under Government direction and private company cooperation, they are setting themselves up for future prosperity. The US meanwhile is spasming a in a collective fit. A Hard Right Duck Dynasty plurality is content to live in the 1950’s. The rest of the country struggles to drag the whole body into the 21st Century. It is a struggle that will last at least another 20 years as the Baby Boomer Generation ages and finally passes on.