
Fox's Bergdahl Jihadi Story: "Secret Docs Based on a Purported Eyewitness" Supplied by a Shady Right Wing Group

Dark_Falcon6/05/2014 9:22:47 pm PDT

re: #151 Lidane

I think you’re wrong. Those provisions aren’t going to be seen as very controversial. The only one that might to some, the GI Bill benefits for surviving spouses of those killed in the line of duty, is not going be an issue because no one is going to want to be seen as mistreating the widow of a fallen soldier. At most, that provision might have a caveat attached that it only applies to those in the US legally.

The in-state tuition provision won’t raise a peep because its based on military service and not just high school graduation. And the sexual assault provision won’t trigger a uprising because it doesn’t mention abortion, but rather things like mental health care and provisions for ongoing care for a female vet who was raped. Those points aren’t controversial and bringing up scenarios that aren’t in the bill in order to scream would look too bad to risk. And lastly, Republicans stand to gain too much by passing this bill to throw those gains away for no return by rejecting it.

So again: Amendments, yes. Gutting, no.