
Today's Rolling Stone Train Wreck

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)12/05/2014 3:31:24 pm PST

re: #136 3eff Jeff

If I seem to be a bit down on fraternities, it’s because I graduated from college in 2005. When I was in school, these organizations had reached their current form, and shortly before I started school, there was a notorious incident at my alma mater. It involved a pledge committing suicide after a hazing incident involving bestiality.

Frat parties were not safe places for women, and my [female] friends knew it and freely talked about it. And my school was not particularly known for having especially bad fraternities. Greek row was just average-bad.

Opinions tend to reflect experiences. Mine regarding fraternities from 1981 to the present day have followed a somewhat different course. Said course has included stints as a chapter alumni officer, national-level volunteer, and member of a fraternity’s national board. And a lot of in-fighting over issues during that period.

I’ve read about a lot of bad incidents, and a number of close calls as well. However, I have also met and worked with a lot of dedicated men and women whose goals are pretty lofty towards helping young people become better people. Tempered by a lot of going in circles since the undergraduate membership of a chapter turns over in 4-5 years and the same lessons taught, and arguments fought, again and again and again.