
Dylann Roof's Roommate Says He Was "Planning Something Like That for Six Months"

Scottish Dragon6/18/2015 8:43:11 pm PDT

More fun at Dreherland

Aaron Gross says:

June 18, 2015 at 3:50 pm

@Selvar, I really identify with your comment. I had the same feeling about two decades ago, when my political views began to change and become more pro-white, pro-Christian majority.

It occurred to me then that if Americans were to start talking truthfully about religion, ethnicity, and race, then there would probably be an increase in immoral and unacceptable behavior, including even violence, against minorities (including my own). One thing that still bothers me about the people you mention and their colleagues is that they refuse even to acknowledge that there might be a problem there.

I don’t believe that it’s always right to speak the truth; you’re partly responsible for what happens as a result of what you say, including even nut cases like the killer here. But I think the good that comes from restoring the dominant religion, ethnicity, and race (Christian, Anglo-Saxon, white) to their proper place in the culture outweighs the increase in injustice that would result against minorities. And yes, I am talking about cultural hegemony; and no, I am not talking about restoring Jim Crow or the Confederacy or whatever.

In any case, I don’t think it’s a question that can be answered in terms of abstract principles. The only way to answer it is to weigh the actual expected consequences of your political position, including those consequences that you don’t intend or condone, including horrific events like this one.

Jesus wept.

Rod claims he doesn’t believe in HBD…but I have no idea why he continues to allow out and out white supremacists to post (remember, this is a moderated site) while he bans GLBT critics.