
State of the Art Fusion 2021: Drift-Lab, "Japanese Experiment"

ckkatz12/22/2021 9:39:11 pm PST

The article lists the following as having reported owning cryptocurrency:
Pat Toomey (R., Pa.)
Cynthia Lummis (R., Wyo.)

Michael Waltz (R., Fla.)
Jake Auchincloss (D., Mass.)
Mark Green (R., Tenn.)
Alan Lowenthal (D., Calif.)
Michael McCaul (R., Texas)
Barry Moore (R., Ala.)
Marie Newman (D., Ill.)
Ed Perlmutter (D., Colo.)
Jeff Van Drew (R., N.J.)

In the WhiteHouse:
Tim Wu, a senior adviser to the president on technology policy
Ryan Montoya, the White House director of scheduling and advance

Interesting quote:

Before last year’s election, the Chamber of Digital Commerce, a trade group representing the digital-asset and blockchain industry, gave $50 of bitcoin to all House and Senate members in a bid to get cryptocurrency on their radar. The only catch was that their campaigns had to set up a way to receive the digital currency.

All but eight campaigns returned the bitcoin, records show.

Only Two Senators Own Crypto Assets. Both Are Shaping the Industry’s Rules.
Sens. Pat Toomey and Cynthia Lummis, members of Senate Banking Committee, say their cryptocurrency experience gives them crucial expertise