
WND Promotes Nirtherism in Iraq

Dustyvet2/24/2009 11:46:15 am PST

really stupid conspiracies

1. The World is controlled by shape shifting Reptiles - proposed by David Icke. This one takes the cake.
2. The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion (popular these days in the Muslim world as well as amongst Nazis).
3. The Illuminati (whoever they are) running the show but nobody having a clue (except of course the conspiracy theorists for one reason or another).
4. The US government flying remote controlled planes into the WTC on 911.
5. Shimon Peres being responsible for the Rabin killing - Barry Chamish
6. Monica Lewinsky - Israeli Agent -
7. Holocaust Denial
8. Gloria Steinem - CIA Agent - proposed by Henry Makow
9. US as a Police State - Alex Jones. If it were a police state he wouldn’t be allowed to publish such crap in the first place.
10. Satanic Cults amongst the World’s Elites
11. The Light bulb that runs forever that General Electric will never allow to be produced
12. AIDS as a CIA virus.
13. The Queen of England and the Drug Trade - Lyndon La Rouche.
14. The US government creating a drug problem in the American ghettos.
15. Roswell coverup
16. The Power of the Skull and Bones Society