
Appeals Court Upholds Tobacco Racketeering Rulings

zombie5/24/2009 1:00:14 pm PDT

re: #134 Sharmuta

You should read Dr John Lott.

I did. And he agrees with my position. To quote your link:

John R. Lott, Jr.’s study in the January 1997 Journal of Legal Studies showing that concealed-carry weapons permits reduced the crime rate set off a firestorm.

Notice the word “permits.” He’s saying that encouraging law-abiding people with a permit to have guns reduced the crime rate. He did not advocate giving out machine guns to anyone without a permit or a background check, as was implied in Fist’s recommendation (“There were no Federal laws about guns when the Kennedys were making their pile. You could buy a Thompson submachinegun through the mail (if you had the money. Thompsons were a bit expensive even then), and pistols and rifles at your local hardware store. That’s the way it should be.”)