
Poll: Was Palin's Resignation a Smart Move?

Russkilitlover8/18/2009 2:15:01 pm PDT

re: #111 turn

Outside LGF most of the really hate filled comments about Palin in the blogs seemed to come from women imo. I don’t quite know what that means but perhaps some of them were disgruntled Hillary supporters.

It’s also a phenomenon. Women turn on each other.

One of my most profound management lessons, which I learned was that women and men are motivated very differently. When I singled out one of my (male) reps for an achievement, I could see all the other (male) reps challenging themselves to be the one singled out next time.

When I tried the same approach with my female admin staff, they all kinda withdrew and glared at the achiever, clearly thinking…”Bitch!” When I used a team approach “Look at this great accomplishment WE just did…” the response was totally opposite and they all chimed in with how to coordinate best practices, etc.