
AJ Strata Takes a Stand Against Robert Stacy McCain

goddamnedfrank10/20/2009 6:39:23 pm PDT

re: #134 Quilly Mammoth

ASA’s Mars Global Surveyor and Mars Odyssey missions have provided evidence of a recent ice age on Mars. In contrast to Earth’s ice ages, a martian ice age waxes when the poles warm up and water vapor is transported toward lower latitudes. Martian ice ages wane when the poles cool and lock water into polar icecaps.

Driven by solar effects?

Maybe there is Human created global warming but every adherent refuses, as you have, to address the counter argument.

Congratulations, you have just successfully confused seasons (orbital variance) with irradiance.

re: #118 AJStrata

Small drop increase in solar output is then diffused by distance and further diffused by incident angle - therefore small change big drop in the energy input to the Martian poles.

See the link above regarding Martian season, the high eccentricity of its orbit and axial tilt equate to huge natural seasonal temperature swings. In fact NASA was able to predict the Martian polar melting well in advance of its occurance based on knowledge of this cycle. Claiming that it must be due to a change in solar output just flies in the face of everything we know.