
Joe the Plumber: 'McCain Used Me'

Dark_Falcon2/14/2010 10:19:22 pm PST

re: #143 Gus 802

Since this fools mentions WWI it should be noted that most Americans didn’t want to go off and fight “a European war.” During that time American was knee deep in labor strife, sweat shops, child labor, and violence from factory owners and labor strife. All leading to the anarchist bombing of 1919. No one was “happy” seeing our Doughboys in the trenches. Many peace groups were organized in the aftermath of WWI.

Not only here, either. Such groups came into being in Europe as well. Sadly, they ended up doing more harm than good. Their opposition to confronting Hitler gave him time to build the army he used to conquer Poland and France and their advocacy of appeasement made him think he could get way with attacking Poland without Britain declaring war.