
Tea Party Organizer: 'No Place' for Racist Behavior

Mad Prophet Ludwig5/03/2010 2:00:36 pm PDT

re: #149 DaddyG

I was employed by a company in the late 90’s that used a lot of Hispanic and Latino contractors. All legal. All documented. We even put a few in business for themselves because they were great sub-contractors and we needed specialists in concrete or roofing. It irritated us to no end that our competition was using undocumented labor as very cheap rates. We still beat them on price due to our better processes but it did harm the image of our industry when they used people like that.

I would be all for making work visas easier to get as long as there is a demand for labor. Work here, pay taxes here… If you love it here then apply for citizenship and if you have been a great guest we’ll expidite it for you. However, if you are a drug dealer or convict looking to score on our side of the border your butt will be sent packing in a crate.

There is a huge difference between the guys I knew working manual labor to send money home to their families in order to make a better life, and the low life scum sucking drug traffic and coyotes preying on their own neighbors. Our immigration policy needs to keep that in mind.

I think that is a very good comment. The one mantra I simply can not stand is the argument you hear about this and sweatshops that you are somehow doing these people a favor by exploiting them. It is nothing more than a cheap and callous rationalization for profit.