
Mike Huckabee Says Obama 'Grew Up in Kenya'

Scottish Dragon3/01/2011 2:55:55 pm PST

Just for extra emphasis…

HUCKABEE: The bust of Winston Churchill, a great insult to the British. But then if you think about it, his perspective as growing up in Kenya with a Kenyan father and grandfather, their view of the Mau Mau Revolution in Kenya is very different than ours because he probably grew up hearing that the British were a bunch of imperialists who persecuted his grandfather.

Got that? The lovable Churchill, hero of the Battle Of Britain, would never allow bad things to happen to our President’s grandpappy!

She concludes that the war, one of the bloodiest and most protracted decolonization struggles of the past century, was anything but the “civilizing mission” portrayed by British propagandists and settlers. Instead, Britain engaged in an amazingly brutal campaign of ethnic cleansing that seemed to border on outright genocide. While only 32 white settlers were killed by Mau Mau insurgents, Elkins reports that tens of thousands of Kenyans were slaughtered, perhaps up to 300,000. The British also interned the entire 1.5 million population of Kikuyu, the colony’s largest ethnic group, in barbed-wire villages, forced-labour reserves where famine and disease ran rampant, and prison camps that Elkins describes as the Kenyan “Gulag.” The Kikuyu were subjected to unimaginable torture, or “screening,” as British officials called it, which included being whipped, beaten, sodomized, castrated, burned, and forced to eat feces and drink urine. British officials later destroyed almost all official records of the campaign. Elkins infuses her account with the riveting stories of individual Kikuyu detainees, settlers, British officials, and soldiers. This is a stunning narrative that finally sheds light on a misunderstood war for which no one has yet been held officially accountable. —Alex Roslin

I wonder how Kenyans could possibly get the idea that the British didn’t like them? I mean, who could possibly get worked up over trivialities like being castrated and sodomized?


For all his strengths during WW II, Churchill was still a determined apologist and enforcer for English Imperial ambition, and was quite willing to have his way on the bodies of the locals. You can admire what he did right while still recognizing that he was capable of evil as well.