
For Most Women, GOP Sonograms Will Require Invasive Procedure

ausador5/25/2011 11:51:45 am PDT

Rarely have I read a more concise and well reasoned opinion on how the United States should handle the Middle East… J/K ;)

Jewhating obamunists have the next move. It could be to pull military assistance, specifically fighters, tankers and parts. This would allow Commander Magicnegro and the Sorosians to finish their agitprop campaign (Arab Spring read “Nazi Spring”) with Aryan (Iran) and Pureland (Pakistan) to merge their nuke programs into a viable threat with a deployable atomic. Then the Alliance triggers an invasion from Lebanon, Syria, Jordan Egypt or even the ocean. Ineffective air power would doom Israel.

That leaves Israel with one option once Magicnegro is re-elected; nuke the living shit out of as many sand nazis as it can.

It would not be my choice, it will involve millions of deaths since atomic war always involves civilians. But unless the Administration ceases its anti-Israel policy or God himself intervenes, it’s inevitable.

Checkmate Barry, you punkass commie jewhating piece of dogshit. Where do you go now?

Sigh…wut?..I don’t even….I uhh…well…sorry, but basically speechless here. :(