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Birth Control Works10/03/2011 6:58:16 pm PDT

re: #130 LudwigVanQuixote

Ohhh and for any who haven’t seen it, Red Cliff is a work of utter genius. Be certain to get the international version with subtitles and not the American theatrical release. The real version is actually two three hour epics. The American one is condensed into two and a half hours because it is assumed that Americans will be bored by things like plot, excellent acting, history and brilliant camera work.

For those that don’t know, Red Cliff is about a major battle that happened around the year 150 and was recorded in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms is one of the classic books that all educated Chinese people read. In many ways it is something like the tales of King Arthur, only there is much more historical fact to go along with the stories. There are great heroes and great villains. There are beautiful women and subtle plots. The sword fighting is accurate. The costumes are lovely and period authentic. The soundtrack is lush one of the best for any movie ever.

I can’t recommend this movie enough.

linky? Is it on netflix?

would I be happier with the book?