Comment Desperately Spinning Romney's Jerusalem Speech

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus7/30/2012 5:28:42 pm PDT

That dolt Gingrich … so I went and checked the full Politico piece that the freepers glommed onto…

Asked about Mitt Romney’s remarks at an Israeli fundraiser that drew rebuke from Palestinian officials, Gingrich said there was evidence that culture was causing a disparity in wealth not only in the Middle East, but around the world.

“The United Nations camps have been terrorist training grounds. And I think that they’re a disaster and have taught socialism. There is no private property, there is no future, there is no small business, there is no hope, there is no rule of law, and I think you have to start with that,” Gingrich said.

He pointed to a number of nations that have prospered in areas where neighboring nations have not.

“I find it fascinating that nobody wants to ask the question, why is Hong Kong prosperous? Why is Singapore prosperous? Why is Israel prosperous? Why can’t we apply this same prosperity to Gaza? Why can’t we apply this same prosperity to the West Bank?” Gingrich said.

Adding South Korea to the list of places that have prospered, Gingrich said none of the nations are “welfare states.”

“I think it’s fair to say why are some places poor?” Gingrich said. ‘And maybe it’s not just because they’ve been deprived, maybe it’s also because they don’t have maybe the right habits, the right legal structure, or the right system of encouragement.”

As the commenters over at Politico noticed right away, those nations Newt lists happen to have government run healthcare, and plenty of other government programs to boot. Plus several of those nations/states were “prosperous” at times way before the US ever existed.

But the people to whom Newt is appealing are so stupid they will never stop to check up on what Newt says.