
Anti-Government "Sovereign Citizen" Attacks Georgia Courthouse With Assault Rifle and Explosives

Gus6/06/2014 11:55:27 am PDT

Steele Addresses GOP Faithful
Karen Bossick |

SUN VALLEY — Government should fear its constituents, the head of the Republican party told a couple hundred party faithful Friday night at Sun Valley€TMs River Run lodge.

“If our government leaders screw it up, you should fire them. That’s why government should fear you €” because you have the power to fire them. And I€TMm going to ask you to start by firing Nancy Pelosi. I’m going to ask you to fire Harry Reid. I€TMm going to ask you to fire Henry Waxman and Barbara Boxer,” said Michael Steele, the chairman of the Republican National Committee.

Red, white and blue bunting was draped over the railing and piles of Tootsie Rolls wrapped in red, white and blue were placed on each table as Steele took the podium.

Earlier in the evening the Republicans had acknowledged Hailey soldier Bowe Bergdahl, who was captured by the Taliban a year ago, with an empty chair on which was draped a MIA flag. A rose sat on the table, a reminder that some American servicemen have paid the supreme sacrifice. A slice of lemon represented the bitter taste. And a candle signified hope that captured soldiers like Bergdahl would find their way home.

Bowe’s father, Bob Bergdahl, said that he and his wife Jani had experienced a lot of support, even from Muslims and Hindus, as they prayed for their son€TMs release. He commended a secret organization of local women who had tied yellow ribbons around trees and fences throughout the valley.

“My wife knows that she’s not alone every time she sees a yellow ribbon,” he said.

Idaho U.S. Sen. Jim Risch acknowledged that Bergdahl was a high priority for the U.S. government. But, he added, on May 12 the U.S. government ran out of money and is now operating on $1.4 trillion borrowed from China.

“This is a really serious situation,” he said. “The Taliban can hurt us but they can€TMt destroy us.”

Living beyond its means could, however, destroy the country, he said. Steele, who spoke in a slow, considered manner, told the crowd that they had the opportunity to engage a young generation that has been unable to find jobs as he urged them to retire Idaho Congressman Walt Minnick, a Democrat.

“The GOP €” the Grand Old Party €” is no longer your mother and father’s party. It’s yours,” he said.