
CNN Reports #Ferguson PD Officer Darren Wilson DID NOT Have a Fractured Eye Socket

Birth Control Works8/21/2014 2:41:20 pm PDT

If all the high profile police brutality isn’t enough to piss you off.

I Paged this article, but the link is direct. There is video of the news station KTLA’s report there.

If you can stand it, the unedited (as I understand it) version is here:

(FULL) Cop Punching Woman in Head on LA Freeway

A woman is walking, illegally while black, on the highway. Is this reason for a male police officer to repeated punch her while she is on the ground?

Why is there no outrage for this person? She is not dead, not gun involved, she is a black woman?

I’d love to know if this cop has any DV in his history.