
New Video Shows Darren Wilson With No Visible Injuries After Shooting Michael Brown

blueraven11/15/2014 12:48:09 pm PST

re: #147 Dark_Falcon

Given how badly Tammy Duckworth got hurt by Saddam Hussein’s thugs when they shot down her helo, the fact that she could get pregnant at all, much less at 41, is little short of a miracle in my eyes. So there’s that argument in her favor.

There’s also that I currently sell advertising for a magazine dealing with pregnancy and baby care. Just studying up on some of the issues I have to be able to speak to has made me care.

Then lastly, there’s the fact that Tammy Duckworth got her seat in Congress by defeating deadbeat dad, pathological liar, and all-around poisonous toad Joe Walsh. She’s from my state and she did every sane person in Illinois a favor in removing Walsh from our congressional delegation.

So yeah, BR, I care.

Good to see you have some empathy for pregnant women. However the premise of the article you linked to is still bogus.
The “evil” Pelosi slant is old and stale.