
Tom Cotton Tries to Sabotage Obama's Iran Deal, Then Calls for Massive Defense Spending

Nyet3/16/2015 7:47:38 pm PDT

re: #136 Nyet

Leon H. Wolf Mod • 13 hours ago
If I may be permitted the conceit of commenting on my own post.

To the extent that there is criticism of the post in the comments, it is exclusively focused on the racial bias section. I find this to be an interesting phenomenon. Thus, among people who bothered to read the post, they can believe that the Ferguson PD was an inexcusable revenue generation machine, that it habitually used excessive force, that it punished people regularly for contempt of cop, that it systematically violated its citizens civil liberties. All of this is believable. But not, apparently, that justice was also administered in a racially biased (which is different from racist) way.

That’s an awful lot of dedication to the proposition that people you don’t know couldn’t possibly be racially biased. And that’s all I further intend to say on this matter.
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