
Family Values, Duggar Style: Jim Bob Duggar Didn't Report Son Josh's Alleged Sex Offenses for More Than a Year

Dark_Falcon5/21/2015 7:56:37 pm PDT

re: #151 psddluva4evah

yeah. no one paying attention to that detail. Instead they are comparing Duggar to children younger than 14 and “sexual discovery”.

Showing your whohaw to some random cousin once, is WAY different than TOUCHING AND FONDLING the genitalia of said cousin WHILE THEY WERE ASLEEP!

Also too, Josh was 14, the oldest…14 IS NOT 7. Can a 14 year old be accused of rape? Yes. Can a 14 year old be accused of murder? Yes. Yet this incident is being treated by some (and NOT JUST RWNJ defenders) as just “childhood sexual discovery”.


And the really stupid thing is that by doing that they are going further than the Duggars themselves. For all his flaws, Jim Bob Duggar has enough sense to know that trying to simply excuse his son’s misdeeds is a stupid idea. But some of the Twitter haters are so hell-bent in their determination to find ‘the left’ wrong on everything that they’ll defend conduct that in utterly indefensible. I can’t say that they’re beclowning themselves, because the matter is just too serious for that.