
Some More News: If You Don't Want to Be Called a Fascist, Stop Supporting Donald Trump, a Fascist

BeachDem7/30/2018 6:14:21 pm PDT

re: #152 Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis

A severely mentally-ill guy said that Twitter puts Conservatives in a gulag, and Conservatives went along with the persecution-fantasy. It’s in their nature to imagine persecution.

And when Toddie set up the TGDN, Michelle Malkin and Twitchy were his biggest fans.

Here’s part of a post I wrote for another site back in 2013 (it was partly what brought me here—when they went after Charles)


I want to first establish that I am not a tweeter (although, I have, at some points in my life, been called a twit.) I understand that Twitter can be an effective means of communication and expression, but from where I sit, I think that about 80% of everything I’ve seen in the Twitterverse would be more at home in a junior high school cafeteria. No offense meant to Tweeters—It’s just that I have just seen many politicians and others hoisted by their own Tweetards, (Grassley, Brown) and it seems there is so much mindless twattle being tweeted that it seems to do more harm than good.

Which leads me to TWITTER GULAG!!!! I won’t go into much depth about this (extremely shallow) phenomenon. From what I can gather, it began with a bunch of right wing tweeters spamming other peoples’ Twitter accounts, in violation of Twitter’s Terms of Service, and having their accounts temporarily blocked.

That’s right, Twitter—a private enterprise offering a free service, exercised their ability to make users follow the rules. Period. Paragraph.

Enter Michelle Malkin’s Twitchy (could she be any more melodramatic?)

The Left wants to wear down conservatives until they crawl away defeated, tails between their battered and bloody legs. Silencing the Right is not enough; they want conservatives to disappear from the public sphere. We hope these Twitter vigilantes aren’t holding their breath—conservatives don’t retreat, we reload.

Suddenly, this became the biggest infringement on human rights the world had ever known. Suddenly, right wing tweeters were being persecuted and tortured beyond anything previously known to man.

Twitter Gulag prompted dramatic tweets like:

Free @mark85nh from #twittergulag . A Great Conservative that is targeted by the twitter nazis.

Inside the most extreme #Gulag in the #TwitterGulag where not freedom of expresion applies, is our @twitter friend @BranceLong #TGDN10 #Evil

And of course, messages such as:

In honor of #truth warrior just taken down to #twittergulag @charlewar YES OBAMA IS A #MUSLIM LIAR! There, reply on record.

They even have a website devoted to addressing the horrors suffered by Twitter Gulag residents.

They seem to mostly blame Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs (they “gathered intel” and everything!) for this dastardly plot, although it appears to me that Charles spends most of his time laughing at them. Some of the comments at that site:

Mutual Assured Destruction kept the peace in the Cold War; it will work in the Twitter Wars.

I’m back in the Gulag! I sent a couple of sarcastic tweets toward @Toure, Now I’m in Siberia.

I was just speaking with another about how we might begin to play by their rules—draw first blood, implement first strike