
Seth Meyers: FBI Seizes Mike Lindell's Phone at Hardee's, DOJ Issues 40 Trump Subpoenas

Jay C9/15/2022 7:40:11 am PDT

BTW, another Administration BFD that I’m wondering is going to get back-burnered in the media is the announcement of a tentative deal avoiding a nationwide freight-rail strike ( which would also have affected a big portion of passenger service as well).
I did notice, however, that both the NYT and WaPo front-paged it, so maybe not.

Just another case of Governmental Competence in action: G*d knows how this would have gone down under Trump (he would have probably gone full Grover Cleveland and called out the National Guard), but fortunately we have sane people in charge now.

Labor stuff usually doesn’t make headlines, but a rail strike as envisioned before the agreement would have proved devastating to the economy- and in election season, too.

Knowing How Things Work, and Getting Shit Done - Dark Brandon’s superpower.