
Cracked: The 5 Most Badass Presidents of All-Time

The Sanity Inspector2/28/2010 3:01:19 pm PST

Not presidential, but here’s a little-known piece of bad-assery, for these waning hours of Black History Month:

On Oct. 18, 1969, just six weeks after Col. Muammar Gaddafi of the Libyan Army had led a coup deposing Libyas King Idris, he stood at the gates of Wheelus Air Force Base. Facing him was an American officer, also a colonel, named Daniel Chappie James Jr. However, any similarity between the two men ended with their military rank. Before the coup, 27-year old Gadhafi had been a mere lieutenant in the Libyan Army. As leader and chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council, Gadhafi was catapulted to Colonel overnight. In contrast, James, an African American officer, earned his rank the hard way by overcoming racial prejudices and enduring air battles in Korea and Vietnam.

Few Americans recall the day that James faced down Gadhafi. The confrontation occurred when Gadhafi ordered a column of Libyan half-tracks onto Wheelus. The half-tracks blew past the gate guards and through the housing area at top speed.

When James was notified of the intrusion, he came immediately to the front gate and lowered the barrier to prevent more vehicles from entering. Standing a few yards beyond the barrier was Gadhafi with his hand resting on the butt of his pistol. James glared at him, his own .45 ready at his side.

Move your hand away from that gun, James ordered. Much to everyone’s surprise, Gadhafi complied and probably prevented an early end to his dictatorship. As James later recalled, If he had pulled that gun, it never would have cleared his holster. As if to punctuate the impression James had made, the Libyan Army didn’t send any more half-tracks after that incident.

Previously in July 1969, while James was at Wheelus AFB, he displayed an example of his diplomatic talents. Americas relations with Libya had continued to slide downhill as Gadhafi pressured the U. S. Government to withdraw its military presence. But the Libyans wanted the Americans to leave behind expensive technical equipment to keep the base running. The Americans resisted and planned to remove the material from the base. A serious confrontation almost took place when several Libyan colonels demanded an audience with James.

James invited the officers to his home to discuss the issue of the base equipment. Tensions were already high as the Libyans entered James living room. As the Libyan officers sat down, their driver entered the room carrying a submachine gun. James immediately glowered at the Libyan officers. I’m going to count to three, he said, and if that man is not out of my living room by that time, I will physically throw him out. The driver made a hasty retreat.