
The Pentagon Shooter's Extreme Right-Libertarian Beliefs, Revisited

karmic_inquisitor3/10/2010 2:09:07 pm PST

re: #129 windsagio

Kaczynski is good to remind us that the right has a monopoly on neither libertarianism, nor crazies.

Also, the Aum guy looks like he’s wearing a pair of Hef’s pajamas.

Ted Kaczynnski’s manifesto was actually in line with some of the more rightward views of technology and tehnological society. Jacques Ellul had a fairly sobering assessment of the impact of technology on freedom of thought and action as did S I Hayakawa. Not that such was the exclusive property of the right - by no means, as a quick read of Marcuse will bear out - but the idea that a technological society itself creates boundaries on our freedoms and choices is a long running theme on the right.