
Matthews to Bachmann: 'Are You Hypnotized?'

Decatur Deb11/03/2010 2:54:28 pm PDT

So, here is the list of anti-nominees submitted by individual LGFers. I still don’t have all the results, so fill me in if you know.

Michele Bachmann (R - Mars) IN
Rand Paul, R, KY, Senate. IN
Ron Paul, R TX, US House IN
Kesha Rogers, D, TX US House? OUT
Carl Paldino, R, NY, Governor OUT
Sharon Angle, R, Nevada, Senate OUT
Christine O’Donnell, R, Delaware, Senate OUT
Joe Miller, R(TP), AK Senate Prob OUT
Ken Buck - R - Colorado, Senate OUT
Bill Brady - R - Illinois, Governor
Jason Plummer - R - Illinois, Lt. Governor
Rick Perry - R - Texas, Governor IN
Jan Brewer, R, AZ, Governor IN
Ron Johnson, R WI Senate

Seems like reason enough to drink, to celebrate or to forget.