
An Attack on the Existence of Labor Unions

Cineaste2/19/2011 11:46:06 am PST

re: #97 Talking Point Detective

I have to run, and I’m wondering if you can actually answer this question - so I’ll ask it again:

You give one example of a union theoretically voting against the interests of the membership (an example where, unless you can actually show that the union membership disagreed with the leadership’s position, your conclusion is speculative), and then assert that it happens “often.”

And yes, it’s speculative, but, if it is not wildly speculative. The true arbiter of whether I’m correct in my speculation would have been a vote. The only logical reason not to vote is that the leadership might not have gotten the result they wanted. Yes, that is drawing a conclusion, but the data at hand I think points to it not being a wildly unreasonable conclusion.