
Fox News Commenters Respond to Somalia Story with Deluge of Racism

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines8/14/2011 4:50:45 pm PDT

re: #157 Obdicut

My sensei came from an obscure Shinto group that believed that we should only make use of things that have lifespans shorter than us, whenever possible. So they didn’t use stone. Metal they had some bizarre workaround for— like, it’d been changed by the process of smelting it, so while they couldn’t mine ore, they could use metal. Kind of convenient, but religion often is.

It meant that they were fine with killing anything that couldn’t live past 80, but tortoises were sacrosanct. And most trees were safe, too.

No doubt they could make paper from hemp, which might have other connections to their philosophy as well.