
Right Wing Media Fall for 'Paul Krugman' Impersonator

Carlos Machina8/24/2011 12:23:03 pm PDT

re: #89 Martinsmithy

the current, rising level is considered by economic orthodoxy to be too high.


You give a lot of weight to this “economic orthodoxy. Much of your argument depends upon the opinions of this orthodoxy.

Could you identify it more fully? I’ve spent a lot of time studying economics and reading current opinions of recognized experts from all political stripes, but I find little orthodoxy in economics.

Is it possible that when you hear statements which fit into your political perspective, they become orthodoxy to you, but statements which do not square with your outlook are relegated to unorthodoxy?

For example, in one of your messages above, you seem to reject all Krugman’s opinions, except the one about free trade, which you say is opposed by the left.

Do you believe all left wing economic ideas are wrong? If not, please name one with which you agree.
