
'Burn a Koran Day' Pastor Supports George Zimmerman

The Ghost of a Flea4/02/2012 5:31:43 pm PDT

re: #142 Hoodies for Justice. T

What a fucking disgrace that woman is. Not even clicking.

And Fox LOVED to play it, didn’t they?

Recalling that Alveda King is anti-abortion, I’m having problems parsing her statement:

King, a conservative and pro-life activist, took issue with the tone of Sharpton’s rally. “I’m asking that we remember that Trayvon Martin’s family is grieving right now. And in the midst of their grieving, they don’t need a lot of anger and fear surrounding that. Certainly, Trayvon Martin – a young man cut down in his prime – I would say because of my ministry ‘aborted late.’ A late abortion.”

“America’s youth are now an endangered species,” said King. “And so we must answer this non-violently. Not with rage and not with anger. Not by playing the race card.”

“If my uncle, Dr. Martin Luther King were here today, or my dad, Dr. A.D. King, they would ask us to seek justice but to temper that with mercy,” said King. “I’m asking Rev. [Jesse] Jackson, Rev. Sharpton to remember Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. To remember non-violence.”

Seriously…I can’t find how the “late abortion’ part makes sense.

Edit: that she was cynically inserting abortion into this tragedy was so far from my mind it didn’t occur to me that was what she was doing. Ugh.