
Sunday Night Nightmare Short: 'The Kids'

Romantic Heretic1/26/2015 7:11:50 am PST

re: #119 Feline Fearless Leader

9 AM - Philly weather report

28 F - light snow - no current accumulation.


(I kid about this for two reasons. First, I live and work in Philly and this walk and don’t have to deal with the trains, buses, Surekill Crawlway, etc. So I don’t get the commuter hell the others do. Second, I lived for a decade in northern NY state right on the Canadian border. Area that gets and stays cold. So the northeast freakout about cold weather and snow just amuses me since I’ve seen and experienced worse.)

Same here. I’ve twice in my life lived in places where eight feet of snow was average for a winter and temperatures rarely climbed above -10C (14F). Both places frequently had -40 (C&F they’re the same thing) nights.

Had to work outside one of those nights due to a new middle manager who was out to prove himself to upper management.