
It's Darwin Day in the US, Where Far Too Many Fanatics Still Reject Evolution

Yeah Sure WhatEVs2/12/2015 12:43:14 pm PST

re: #142 lawhawk

Home schooling? Creationism in classrooms? Pushing religion into science texts (affecting curricula for not just local yokels, but nationally as publishers will take some books and use them nationally). Etc.

The creationists and right wing are going to send us kicking and screaming back generations.

Not just that. They are going to make us unable to complete on a global scale. We’re going to wind up being a population of people who can only perform menial tasks, unable to think for themselves, unable to think critically for the challenges that face us - as a global society - for decades to come.

It’s not just taking us back generations, it’s ruining the futures of young Americans for decades to come.