
Feel-Good Video Clip of the Day: Florida GOP Official Booed After Moronic 'Death Panel' Comment

2024 Blue Wisconsin2/11/2017 4:53:46 pm PST

re: #150 Belafon

That’s not a bad prediction, because what we’re seeing right now is an attempt by Trump to nationalize the oppression of the South in the 60s. But there are more of us prepared to fight back, and, unlike the 60s, it’s already being televised. I’m not saying it’ll be easy, but I don’t think as many things are going to go Trump’s way as he thinks.

I have a feeling it’s going to be a lot worse than the 60’s.

For one, it’s being televised by a media that has an obsessive need to summon the magic balance fairy. I see no reason to believe that won’t continue when the police decide enough free speech is enough.

Second, the police are a hell of a lot more trigger happy today than they were back then. I think it all too likely that instead of truncheons and fire hoses, we’ll be seeing assault rifles and shotguns. The courts have already shown them that they can get away with shooting unarmed suspects under the merest imaginary shred of threat; an active/rowdy protest is going to be open season.